Why AMD-MHz Doesn’t Equal Intel-MHz

Geek.com has a great article on why not all processors are created equal. It’s worth reading. Take a look. Geek.com : “…for an Intel processor to add A to B and store the result in A, it has to do 20 or 31 things. For AMD to complete the same workload, the processor only has…

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Make Your Own Lightbulb

Popular Sciences How2.0 column has a great article this week on how to create a light bulb in your own garage. Well, if you have some tungesten wire, helium, and an old arc welder lying about that is. Popular Science: I used helium because it’s easily available and lighter than air, allowing me to fill…

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Coffee CAN Make You Smarter, In The Short Term

It appears some Austrian researchers have discovered that moderate amounts of caffeine can improve your short term memory. Forbes: Those morning cups of java might sharpen your memory so you can better tackle the tasks of the day, a new Austrian study suggests. Scientists at the Innsbruck Medical University discovered that 100 milligrams of caffeine,…

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Smart Car Makes Sure You Make Payments

Buyer beware, a car lot in Norfolk Conneticut is testing a new way to make sure you pay, an electronic system designed to only let you into your car when you make a payment. USA Today: A new gizmo is upping the odds that even the most hard-knock customer will come up with the car…

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Scientists Unearth “Godzilla-like” Creature

Paleontologists in Patagonia have unearthed the remains of a huge reptile they’ve nicknamed “Godzilla” for it’s distinct characteristics. Scotsman.com: A terrifying sea creature that had the head of a dinosaur, the body of a crocodile and the fins of a fish and ruled the deep 135 million years ago has been unearthed by palaeontologists. Fossil…

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Scientists Looking At Womens Brains During Their Period

In an effort to better understand the women, scientists have begun studying the womans brain during PMS and her Period. Nature.com: “Help may soon be on its way for women who live with the pain of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and for those who live with them. Researchers have begun to investigate what happens in the…

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Treo650’s To Receive Blackberry Mail

Palm and RIM have signed a deal that’s going to change the world for troubled Blackberry users. You’ll soon be able to receive your Blackberry email on the Palm OS Treo 650. The obvious benefit is a cell phone, camera, and palmtop connected to one of the most popular data transfer networks in the world….

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EFF Breaks The Xerox Code

For years there have been rumors of strange markings on Xerox printer documents and hidden messages that only Xerox is able to decode. Well now the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) has broken the Xerox code and proven that there is in fact forensic evidence on each Xerox printed document. Here’s a brief synopsis from the…

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