Coffee has been used as a medicinal treatment for centuries now scientists have discovered it may have another great side effect other than just waking you up in the morning or getting rid of that nasty hang over, it can help fend off Type II Diabetes. Ling Zheng, Kun Huang and colleagues explain that previous…
...Read MoreParticipating in Leave GoDaddy Day? Park your domains here
If you’ve got a domain name hosted with today is Leave GoDaddy Day, your day to make a statement about GoDaddy’s seedy business practices and move your domain name. You can move your domain names to Never Boring. We’re an official OpenSRS-Tucows reseller. Here are some reasons to make the switch: Tucows (aka OpenSRS)…
...Read MoreAdobe tries to Edge into the HTML5 editor market
Is HTML5 and CSS3 really going to kill Flash? No one knows for sure but Adobe isn’t taking any chances and is working on an HTML5 motion graphics editor similar to Tumult’s Hype editor. Enter Adobe Edge. Still in beta release, Edge features a timeline based UI similar more to After Effects than Flash. Currently…
...Read MoreFirst a 404 then a 500 – One of the Best 404 Pages
John Gruber over at Daring Fireball posted a link to this 404 page from The page has a video on it that’s nothing short of hilarious. Check it out here.
...Read More$30 DIY Home Air Filter
I’ll be blunt, allergies suck. Evidently this has been the worst year for allergies on record. People who normally don’t suffer bad allergies, like me, have been hit and hit hard. I’ve even developed asthma and the suspected cause is allergies.
...Read MoreAnother Incident of California Stifling Business
Dear Governor Jerry Brown. Thank you for hurting your constituents.
...Read MoreSan Gregorio State Beach
The problem…
The problem isn’t that there aren’t enough 960 grid templates out there. The problem is teaching designers how to design using one.
...Read MoreGoogle Swiftly Sneaks Swiffy By Us
Yesterday many people may have missed a major announcement by Google amid all the hubbub of the Google Plus launch, Swiffy.
...Read MoreGot bad allergies this year? Blame it on the weather
This year I was diagnosed with asthma and evidently I have it bad. What’s the cause? Allergies. Lots of rain and late season snow have made grasses and trees that normally bloom at different times of the year bloom at the same time. It’s nice that everything is a verdant green at the same time…
...Read More