CodeKit – A Swiss Army Knife for Web Development on the Mac

Recently while investigating to see if using LESS could help the way I develop I stumbled across this really cool app for the Mac, CodeKit.

CodeKit is a Mac only (sorry Windows guys) app that automatically compiles Less, Sass, Stylus, CoffeeScript & Haml files and combines, minifies and error-checks JavaScript files in real time. CodeKit supports Compass and will even optimize jpeg (coming soon) & png images. When you’re working on a project in CodeKit each save auto-reloads your browser so you can see your changes in real time. CodeKit also has an intuitive file implementation system for combining files that you couldn’t normally link together and pulling files from source frameworks. All files are compiled prior to runtime so there’s no extra overhead on the server or in the clients browser.

CodeKit does exactly what it promises and does it was ease. Using CodeKit I’ve converted my HTML5/CSS3 template over to a LESS powered, responsive template.

CodeKit is currently beta but will be available soon in the Apple Store.

You can download the beta of CodeKit here.