Participating in Leave GoDaddy Day? Park your domains here

Powered by OpenSRS

If you’ve got a domain name hosted with today is Leave GoDaddy Day, your day to make a statement about GoDaddy’s seedy business practices and move your domain name. You can move your domain names to Never Boring. We’re an official OpenSRS-Tucows reseller.

Here are some reasons to make the switch:

  1. Tucows (aka OpenSRS) is one of the largest domain name registrars in the world.
  2. Same TLD (top level domains – .com, .net, .org, etc.) and newer SLD (second level domains –,, etc) as GoDaddy.
  3. Easy to use administration panel for your domain name. No ambiguous panels and hopping from screen to screen to accomplish the simplest of functions.
  4. No charge for Contact Privacy so you know registering with OpenSRS you won’t leave yourself open to spammers and scammers who look at DNS records for email addresses.
  5. If you ever decide to leave Tucows it’s easy to transfer. You won’t need to sit on hold with tech support waiting to explain why you need to unlock the name so you can move it.
  6. No annoying ads for other services. None.
  7. You’re supporting a small, locally owned business the keeps jobs in the community.

Give it a shot. I use OpenSRS myself for all my domain names.