Learning Digital Photography

I come from the old school. I learned how to shoot using film then, like everything, I was an early adopter of the digital format. As admin of a couple of different groups on Flickr I see a lot of photos that by following some simple photographic principles that have been around for years will…

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Building A New Box

ArsTechnica has a great article on building a budget gaming box and some great choices in the way of hardware. If you’re into gaming and you’ve been thinking about upgrading your system give it a look. It’s got some interesting ideas. Tags: gaming

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Keith Robinson: “Things I've Learned From Blogging”

Keith Robinson at Asterisk published a list of things he’s learned from blogging. Very insightful. Give it a read. Keith: “ The world is both bigger and smaller than I???d ever imagined. There is great power in words. Blogging can very easily be considered work. Lots of it. 24 hours in a day isn???t enough….

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Konfabulator is now free!

On the heels of their move to Yahoo! the guys at Konfabulator are giving it away free! Nice! Konfabulator.com: “Konfabulator is now free. Yup. If you download version 2.1 you know what you’ll never ever see? That’s right a registration reminder. Fear not, there’s nothing sneaky in there, no spyware, no ads, nothing that’s keeping…

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Yahoo! Buys Konfabulator

Holy crap! Yahoo! bought Konfabulator! Mercury News: “Hoping to pave a new path to its popular Web site, Yahoo Inc. has acquired Konfabulator, a tiny software maker that provides a computer platform for monitoring the weather, stock prices and a wealth of other customized information without opening a Web browser. The deal, finalized late last…

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I was sent a link to this…uh…interesting ad on Craiglsist the other day. “Want to lead a naked man around on a leash? The Folsom St. fair is coming up, Sept. 25. You will be paid, and you can wear sunglasses. Model release will be required however.” Atleast he’s willing to let you wear sunglasses….

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