I spent this past weekend learning Flash CS 3. Long ago, back in the early days of the interwebs, I used Flash but it was nothing compared to what it is today. Adobe has done an awesome job making the new Flash a uniform part of the Adobe experience. The new tools, layout, and additional…
...Read MoreBad Day
Here’s a funny photo I found on Flickr and a couple of possible captions. What captions would you make to go along with this photo? Post them in the comments. “From the minute he pulled up out front Tom suspected his day was about to get worse.” “Ed’s Marine…something to take spray paint off a…
...Read MoreVideo: Stealth Bomber Crash
Wired’s got some awesome video of a B2 Stealth Bomber crashing as it took off last February. Looking at these things taking off in the video it’s hard to see why they fly at all. Wired.com: “On takeoff from Andersen Air Force Base, the $1.4 billion plane abruptly ‘pitched up, rolled and yawed to the…
...Read MoreNew Math
Warning: Watching this video while drinking any kind of beverage (I was drinking coffee) may cause you to do a spit take and choke. Drink responsibly laugh like the person in the next cubicle is getting fired and you’re the only one who knows it. Got this one from The Accordian Guy Here’s Bo Burnham…
...Read MoreBubble 2.0 About to Burst?
Those of us in the tech industry have been counting ourself lucky that the recessions really hasn’t hit the industry (Google and Apple both reported capital gains last quarter), but that isn’t so. Monster.com, famed job search site, is shuttering one of their newer acquisitions Ringo, a photo sharing/community site something like Flickr and MySpace…
...Read MoreHere For a While Longer
Well I just checked the billing status of Dailything.com and it looks like I’ll be with this hosting service a while longer. I paid for 2 years last time so I’m good through April 2009. I’m currently using MediaTemple to host a whole slew of other projects and I’m really, really pleased with them. Mostly…
...Read MoreThanks for Listening Yahoo!
If you’ve been reading Dailything for any while now you may remember a post I made in November last year called Flickr’s Not Dead Yet. In the post I made the point that if Yahoo! wanted to stay competative they needed to add video to Flickr. Good news. Someone at Yahoo! had the same idea….
...Read MoreDolphin rescues stranded whales
Wow! This is awesome! CNN.com: “A dolphin swam up to two distressed whales that appeared headed for death in a beach stranding in New Zealand and guided them to safety, witnesses said Wednesday. The actions of the bottlenose dolphin — named Moko by residents who said it spends much of its time swimming playfully with…
...Read MoreCheck This Out: Bush Doesn’t Want You to Know There’s A Recession
Holy crap! The Bush Administration is going to shut down the web page that gives stats on what the economy is doing?! http://www.economicindicators.gov: “Due to budgetary constraints, the Economic Indicators service (http://www.economicindicators.gov) will be discontinued effective March 1, 2008.” Ok…ok…enough is enough. They don’t have money to run a website that I can run for…
...Read MoreNew iPhones and iPod Touches Debut with More Storage
The Apple Store went down for a few minutes this morning as Apple unveiled a 16gb iPhone ($499) and 16gb ($399) and 32gb ($499) iPod Touch. Very cool.
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