I was doin’ a little thunkin’ this morning when I had a revelation: male pattern baldness is secretly a plot by our wives and girlfriends. See, in order to keep us from straying too far, our wives and girlfriends secretly pluck hairs from our head at night while we sleep. Slowly over time we begin…
...Read MoreFeeling funny…
I woke up this morning and I felt funny. My wife rolled over and told me to pull my underwear back up.
...Read MoreMicrosoft One Note…
Ahh hah! I finally got MS One Note up and running on my laptop and it IS as cool as I thought it would be. Totally totally cool. You can take notes, draw, doodle, highlight, handwrite notes if you got a stylus or even with a mouse, search those notes later as you can with a…
...Read MoreMore on MSVDM…
Ok. There’s one thing I don’t like about the MSVDM (Microsoft Virtual Desktop Manager). If you have Internet Explorer open in multiple desktops and you close it in one of the desktops it closes on ALL the desktops. How stupid is that? On the other side. I am really enjoying using it. I wish they…
...Read MoreBrokovich still on the job…
Brockovich sues Beverly Hills High. Erin Brockovich and attorneys filed 25 claims against the city’s school district Monday, alleging that former students of Beverly Hills High School got cancer from being exposed to toxic fumes emitted from an on-campus oil field. [SignOn San Diego]
...Read More?I defragged my prefs and reinstalled the internet.
…I did in fact, see a DeLorean on the street today. And it made me wonder if there’s an aftermarket vendor who’d install a flux capacitor in the back seat – I mean, how can you own a DeLorean and NOT have a flux capacitor? Does anyone see those cars and not wonder if a…
...Read MoreNotebooks of Mass Destruction…
Aye! What is the world coming to! Notebooks of Mass DestructionIf you order a notebook from Dell, their order form apparently asks you if you want to use it as a weapon of mass destruction, as Gary Turner found out. This is either one of Baldrick’s cunning plans to uncover terrorist cells, or it’s just…
...Read MoreNumber 5 for what???
Hmmm…evidently I’m number 5 in on Google for “Sex in Public Toilets“. Probably closer to the top now that I’ve made this post. I don’t know whether to be offended or overjoyed.
...Read MoreMSVDM…
So I’ve been playing with the Microsoft PowerToys for WindowsXP and I’ve currently got the MSVDM (Microsoft Virtual Desktop Manager) going. It’s Microsofts odd way of trying to get Linux users. Personally, I don’t think having four desktops in Windows is any better than normal, except I don’t have Internet Explorer trying to consolidate all…
...Read MoreI’d vote for him…
A bunch of cool stuff today. I went to WGBH to watch Chris Lydon do the last show in his Whole Wide World series. This one was live. I loved it. I took pics. And then we all went out for dinner at Upstairs On The Square in Cambridge. Lots of talk about NH weblogs,…
...Read More