Jeremy Zawodny: Customize Google News… Why?

Yesterday Jeremy Zawodny, wrote his take on the changes Google made to Google news. All very good and interesting points. My favorite part, however, is the reply Jeremy got in his comments on the post. I put them in order so you could read Jeremy’s comment then the reply. Enjoy. Jeremy Zawodny: “Maybe I’m seriously…

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Things to Do and Developing Workflow

It’s great to have my Mac back but DAMN! I’ve got a lot of stuff to catch up on. I’m not sure why but…well…the pc “just don’t cut it no more”. I guess I’ve developed a workflow on the Mac that I can’t live without. I’m happy to be back though.

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Special Thanks to MacResQ

Well my baby is back from MacResQ sporting a brand new 80gb hard drive. I must say, I’m quite pleased with the service from MacResQ. I opted to pay $99 for 24 hour service; which, when you think you’ll be shipping your Mac back and forth to Kansas, it is quite a good deal. Within…

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Missing You.

mac working Originally uploaded by Campin’ Guy. My wife says I care about my Mac more than I care about her. What? Just because this shot is the wall paper on my phone?

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Maybe You Oughta Read This

I guess there’s a lot more to it than people think. Philip Greenspun’s Weblog: Maybe women wouldn’t want to get married if they knew how time-consuming it was. A 40ish friend he told me about life with his twentysomething girlfriend: “I plan the dinner, shop for all the ingredients, choose and buy the wine, cook…

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The Unintentional Interruption

I’ve been blogging kinda light the past few weeks as I’ve been suffering from “information overload”. I guess it’s to be expected after blogging fairly consistently on multiple blogs for 3 years. Looking at a silver lining of a dark cloud, the unfortunate death of the hard drive in my Mac has forced me to…

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