Bruce Lee Brings People Together

Yahoo! News: “The ethnically divided Bosnian city of Mostar has agreed to erect a new symbol of unity — a statue of kung fu legend Bruce Lee, worshipped by Muslims, Serbs and Croats. A group of enthusiasts came up with the idea of honoring the childhood hero of the city’s ethnic groups in 2003, on…

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Judge Stops Logging On National Monument

Some of the worlds largest and oldest trees have been saved the saw after a federal judge issued an injunction and questioned the lumber companies reasons for not cutting the trees when originally given permission. Mercury News: “A federal judge halted the Bush administration’s bid to keep logging 2,000 acres in Giant Sequoia National Monument,…

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Wikipedia Growing By Leaps And Bounds

Reuters: The Wikipedia, which has surged this year to become the most popular reference site on the Web, is fast overtaking several major news sites as the place where people swarm for context on breaking events. Traffic to the multilingual network of sites has grown 154 percent over the past year, according to research firm…

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A Better Way To Buy Music Online?

Jeremy Zawodny makes ME want to try Yahoo! Music Engine. Jeremy Zawodny’s blog: I have a Yahoo-issued laptop that I use at work and quite a bit at home. But I also have a really nice Dell PC as my home desktop. Both have YME installed. If I add five Meat Loaf tracks to my…

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How to Mess Up Your Workflow 101

I use multiple keyboards at my desk. I have to. One is for the PC, one is for the Mac, and the third is to the Linux server. Unfortunately I haven’t yet found a KVM that works with the linux server. To fit all this hardware (monitors, keyboards, towers, speakers, laptops, printers, and what not)…

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links for 2005-09-05

Cheat Sheet Roundup – Over 30 Cheatsheets for developers (tags: ajax commands computer CSS design developer dhtml howto html javascript mysql programming php Ruby tips tutorial xhtml xml)

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Men and Women ARE Put Together Differently

Drug companies are realizing that men and women ARE built differently as evidenced by this recent article on overcoming sexual dysfunction. ModBee: “The latest research ??? being done by academics, rather than commercial drug companies ??? suggests a neurological solution is needed because when it comes to achieving orgasms, women are more affected by mood,…

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Gas Woes Got You Down? Going Hybrid Might Be The Right Choice For You

Gas prices got you down? 50 miles to the gallons starting to sound reasonable to you? If you’re thinking about jumping on the hybrid bandwagon then there are a few things you should know. Take a look at this great story from Yahoo! Finanacial News that delves into the mystery behind hybrid vehicles. Yahoo! Financial:When…

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