I’m a what????

Ok….so iTunes offers “suggestions” now and guess what? It’s no better’n Tivo. Based on it’s current suggestions it think’s I’m a gay white rapper who likes redneck comedy.

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PS3 vs 360

Here’s a very interesting comparison between the two new game systems coming out, the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360. Pretty good analysis. Tags: console, gaming, xbox360, puppy, videogames

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READ THIS: Your Credit Card is NOT Safe

Robert’s found something intereting. Seems there’s a credit card scam going on without anyone actually realizing it. The scammers charge your card from a company called Digital Age. Robert’s reported that people who don’t use credit cards online aren’t immune. This means anyone can get it. There is a theory that it’s also related to…

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Designing For The Web

The other day I was designing a site and someone said to me “It looks like a weblog.” “Why?” I asked feeling genuine concern. “I dunno.” Came the reply. Just in time to help people understand the ins and outs of designing for the web, Web Pro News comes out with a short list of…

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What’s that noise?

A Dietitian’s View: “It’s noon and you start hearing those rumblings and grumblings in your tummy. Are you really hungry or are you just thinking about food becasue it is “lunchtime” causing food cravings? Did you just eat or did you skip breakfast and haven’t eaten anything yet today? Maybe you just saw a commerical…

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Some Thoughts On The Weblogs.com Deal

Matt Mullenweg has some very insightful thought on the recent purchase of Weblogs.com by Verisign. It voices the sentiments a lot of people have been harboring since word of the buy-out last week. Has evil slipped in our back door while our back was turned? Photo Matt: “I???ve been trying to pin down in my…

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Read it in Reader

Yes, it’s true. Google has added an RSS feed Reader to their aresenal. Official Google Blog: “We often get asked how anyone’s supposed to keep up with the firehose of stuff launched from the web’s spigot, so we’re offering Reader as a way to help. Like the Personalized Homepage, it’s a part of Google’s ongoing…

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