Cybersquatter Hijacks Podcast and Demands Ransom

In a case reminiscent of the early days of the web, cybersquatting has reared it’s ugly head again. This time a podcaster has fallen victim to having her RSS feed hijacked. Podcast Hijacked, Held for Ransom The manner in which the purported hijacking occurred exemplifies the fact that RSS feeds are far more vulnerable to…

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Gmail Now Offers Virus Scanning

In a step sure to gain user trust, Google is now implementing virus scanning of it’s popular Gmail web email service. Google Gmail: Each time you send and receive attachments, Gmail automatically scans them for viruses. If a virus is found in an attachment you’ve received, our system will attempt to remove it, or clean…

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links for 2005-12-01

keri smith illustration Art, Illustration, and ideas. One of the most fun and inspirational sites I’ve come across in a long time. (tags: illustration illustrator portfolio inspiration howto fun design blogs blog Art artist creativity ideas)

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100 Ideas

Sometimes as creative people we need a little diversion to help inspire us. Keri Smith has found a great way by creating a list of things to do. Here’s the first 33: Keri Smith 1. Go for a walk. Draw or list things you find on the the sidewalk. 2. Write a letter to yourself…

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Smart Car Makes Sure You Make Payments

Buyer beware, a car lot in Norfolk Conneticut is testing a new way to make sure you pay, an electronic system designed to only let you into your car when you make a payment. USA Today: A new gizmo is upping the odds that even the most hard-knock customer will come up with the car…

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BART Looking At Coming To Central Valley

If you live in the Central Valley and take the drive over the Altamont frequently now’s your chance to speak up. BART officials who are looking at future routes into the Valley and are looking for your input. Stockton Record: Bay Area transportation officials are working on a 50-year blueprint for future transit systems, including…

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Unscrupulous Camera Store Attacks Blogger

Christmas time is here and with it scores of people shopping online. But if you’re shopping for a new camera this holiday season it’s buyer-beware as this blogger found. Thomas Hawk: “I will make sure you will never be able to place an order on the internet again.” “I’m an attorney, I will sue you.”…

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Get Firefox Now and Make Money?

For all those people with the “Get Firefox Now” links on their blogs: Do you realize Google AdSense will pay you to have the very same link on your blog? Cnet: Google will also pay AdSense participants in the U.S. $1 for every person who downloads the Google Firefox toolbar via referral and was not…

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One Of My Favorite Firefox Extensions

One of my favorite extensions for the newly released Firefox 1.5 is the Extended Statusbar. Extended Status Bar modifies the little bar you see at the bottom of your browser window to show you the number of loaded images, bytes downloaded, average download speed, time it takes to load the page, and the percentage of…

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Don’t Wake Me, I’m Sleeping

It seems some German researchers have uncovered some interesting new evidence on why we routinely wake up a few minutes before the alarm goes off. Psychology Today: Jan Born and fellow researchers at the University of Lubeck in Germany have discovered what may be the first biological evidence for the curious ability to wake up…

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