A while back I wrote a post on making your web pages load faster. Imagine my embarrassment when I got an email a few days later telling me my own site was loading slow. And then another email. And another. Wait, what? How could my own site be loading slowly? So I started digging.
...Read MoreI’m OK with That
I’m more of a morning person anymore. I love getting up early to watch the sun rise and drinking my first cup of coffee. Unfortunately that means I miss almost everything on television after 10 pm.
...Read MoreMaybe, Yeah
So last night while I was sitting here thumbing through NetNewsWire on my iPad I came across a post Doc Searls had authored about branding. In his post Doc Searls pointed to this post by Yvonne on BlogHer. In her post Yvonne talks about the changes blogging has undergone and the pressures we all feel…
...Read MoreMy Tweets for 2010-04-13
Why are things for your business 10x more expensive than the same item for a non-business customer? # The hidden cost of starting a home based business: you pay not only federal and state tax but LOCAL tax too! # And you thought your taxes were high before you started your business. #
...Read MoreTurns Out Everyone HAS Looked at Porn
This is hilarious. Researchers looking to do a study on the consumption of porn have a problem, they can’t find anyone who hasn’t looked at porn to use as their control group.
...Read MoreMake Your Web Pages Load Faster
Recently I finished a web site for a friend of a friend. The project wasn’t too difficult, take his already made website and code it so he could use WordPress to edit the pages. Since my friend is also a designer and very knowledgeable about the web I left many of the pages with place…
...Read MoreGrowl is Back!
When I upgraded to OS X SnowLeopard on my Mac’s one important, frequently used piece of software died a tragic death, Growl. For the uninitiated Growl is a notification service. Say you’re humming along in photoshop and illustrator working on a design for a client then the little Adium (another great app for the Mac)…
...Read MoreOur Twitter Updates for 2009-09-28
Help I'm syncing! Sorry. Little geek humor there. As you were. # Powered by Twitter Tools
...Read MoreOur Twitter Updates for 2009-09-24
: NetNewsWire 3.2 for Mac only $10 http://bit.ly/2OH9xY # Powered by Twitter Tools
...Read MoreNetNewsWire 3.2 for Mac only $10
Yeah, ok. I bought a serial for NetNewsWire 3.2 even thought I’d previously purchased NetNewsWire. I’m a little miffed that the original pricing was for “lifetime upgrades” but $10 bucks if a fair price and expecting to get the amount of work they put into the new version for free seemed a little asinine. Brent…
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