Yes, as expected I am running Internet Explorer 7 beta on my 64bit system and so far I have only good things to say. I’m a bit in shock that Microsoft if breaking from the convention of putting the file menu bar across the top and controls beneath that it helped develop but, you get…

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I Can’t Believe I’m Saying This

I know this is going to make Robert Scoble really happy: Stargate Atlantis makes me want a tablet PC. Yes, they look so cool on the show and the prices are coming down. I’m sure after getting one I’ll wonder, how did I ever live without one.

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Instant Rails: Just Add user

If you’d like to start developing Ruby on Rails but installing and configuring Apache and MySQL’s got you a little scared then there’s something you need to check out. Instant Rails. Instant Rails is an all-in-one deploy-and-develop environment for Rails that comes with Ruby, Rails, Apache and MySQL ready to go out of the box….

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MarsEdit Beta Rocks!

To everyone who worked on the new MarsEdit beta: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. How many times can you say ‘thank you’ to people who listen to what you want, know what you want, and then make it? All the new features…

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Here’s One Holiday Tip You Can’t Afford to Miss

So you’re busy with the holiday rush and you’ve got places to go and things to do right? Dude, so does your postal carrier and with just a quick second on the internet you can make their life easier and help insure that your Christmas card will get to Aunt Sue before she thinks you…

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One Of My Favorite Firefox Extensions

One of my favorite extensions for the newly released Firefox 1.5 is the Extended Statusbar. Extended Status Bar modifies the little bar you see at the bottom of your browser window to show you the number of loaded images, bytes downloaded, average download speed, time it takes to load the page, and the percentage of…

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Ubuntu Is Easy for Everyone

There’s a great article this morning over at All About Linux about Ubuntu Linux. I’ve tried several different distributions of Linux and Ubuntu is by far my favorite. It’s easy to use, easy to learn, and fun to play with. Here’s a snippet from the post. All About Linux: Ubuntu is fast on its way…

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Songbird Combines Best of Browsers With Music Player

Have you seen Songbird? It’s what happens when two of the best programs on the internet combine to form a new entity. In this case Winamp and Firefox are combined to for a music player/ browser similar to that in iTunes and Real Player. You’ve gotta take a look at the Songbird screenshots. Awesome job….

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Powerbook Upgrading

Did a minor upgrade to the Powerbook last night and added 512mb of RAM. RAM is the least expensive and highest return investment you can make on any computer system. Installing the RAM is as easy as removing 4 screws, sliding the stick into place until it clicks, then making sure the clips are locked…

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