More on the Asshat that Hacked Dailything

According to the Google report the malicious software that was being called from my site was being hosted on this site: Interestingly enough this IP has been used to host malicious software on several other sites but is not in itself listed as attempting to install said software. Here’s the Google report for the…

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Wolfgang Did It

Oh yes, the current theme I’m using is Wolfgang Bartleme’s Dark theme that he used to use. I just wanted to see what it looked like but I’ll leave it up for a while. Wolfgang is on my list as “one freakin’ awesome” designer. You can check out more of his stuff and his current…

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Has It Been 6 years Already began as a I transitioned from Radio.Userland (man that was good software) to MovableType back in June of 2002. I lost a lot of my older stuff when I changed hosts so my archives only go back to 2003 but man, has it been 6 years already? What started out as one weblog quickly…

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