In defense of democracy and freedom…

Local officials defy Patriot ActARCATA WAS one of the first cities to pass resolutions against global warming and a unilateral war in Iraq. Last month, it joined the rising chorus of municipalities to pass a resolution urging local law enforcement officials and others contacted by federal officials to refuse requests under the Patriot Act that…

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Fuel smart cars becoming smart money…

Concept Cars Hop on Eco-Bandwagon. At the New York Auto Show, carmakers roll out a pair of concept vehicles designed to give a little back to nature. A new Volvo filters the air outside as you drive it, while a Ford boasts an interior made of recyclable materials. By John Gartner. [Wired News] Personally I’ve…

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Is Canada next…

This is a very interesting piece from World’s largest oil reserve. Technically speaking the Middle East is not the largest oil reserve in the world. In fact the largest oil deposits are very close to the United States of America. They lie north of the border. [] Now I just have to wonder, viewing…

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So much for freedom…

Well. The DOJ (Department of Justice) has sided with RIAA (Really Is just Another Anacronym) making your ISP (Internet Service Provider) responsible for what’s on your computer.  U.S. Backs Record Labels in Pursuit of Music Sharer. The Bush administration has sided with the recording industry in its court battle to force Internet providers to disclose…

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Happy Easter…

Happy Easter to all my friends and family out there. The Easter Bunny was nice enough to bring some more of those Cadbury Carmel Eggs…..mmmmmmm. Sticky fingers again. LOL

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Zac’s new duds…

It’s not often I post family pictures on my Radio Weblog but I couldn’t resist this one. Here’s Zac sporting his brand new hawaiian shirt. 🙂

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More tests…

I’m running more Radio tests on another computer so let’s hope I don’t go screwing up my weblog. I really want to see if I can get Radio to work with this host. Then I’ll be able to move my weblog off this server. Not that I have anything against the Userland servers, but I’d…

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Testing. Testing. 1 – 2 -3…

If something weird appears to be going on, it’s because I think I’ve found a host I like that will work with Radio’s upstreaming option. So, if things appear funky and all the sudden your aggregator has all my posts from the last month, that’s just me changing back and forth running some tests.

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Mr. Big-SUV-Guy…

Hey Mr. Whoever you are in your big SUV. The guy who cuts me off then pulls infront of me and slows below the speed limit. The guy who sits at the green light not paying attention. This one’s for you Mr. Big-SUV-Guy. Whenever you pass me, you in your big SUV vehicle I think of the gas…

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