MS releases RSS feeds…

Microsoft has released a listing of RSS feeds they have made available. (MSDN) MSDN Just Published (all recently released technical content) Visual Studio Visual Basic Visual C# Visual C++ .NET Framework & CLR Web Services

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Beta 2002…

So…got this beta of Office 2003 I’m testing and every-so-often Outlook forgets my saved passwords for my emails. What’s worse is that you must shut down Outlook and reopen it for the problem to be remedied.

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Outlook and IE vulnerabilites found…

Latest Microsoft bulletins affect Outlook, IE. Two new product security patches from Microsoft target a number of critical security flaws in the Outlook Express e-mail application and Internet Explorer Web browser.  [InfoWorld: Top News]

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A host of viruses…

New e-mail worm exploits SARS anxiety. In the latest example of computer virus writers capitalizing on current events, a new e-mail worm uses fears about SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) to entice users into opening a file attachment, infecting host machines and helping spread the virus to other machines on the Internet. [InfoWorld: Top News]

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Office 2003 registration bug…

Brief: Microsoft issues patch for Office 2000 registration bug. Users who have experienced the problem since April 15 can now install the patch to repair it. [Computerworld News] I haven’t encountered this one yet but I’m sure I will.

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Trackback this…

So I was looking at where Dave was testing Trackback they’re putting in radio when I noticed 2 trackback pings. I clicked on the Trackback link to see what they were and here’s what I found. Here’s a page on my Moveable Type weblog. If this is working you will read this text over there….

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Free at last, free at last…

The transition last night was successfull. Indeed, it took a bit to get it to begin upstreaming but as soon as it did, it was all downhill from there. In case y’all missed the post over at the CampinGuy’s Radio Weblog, here it is again. It goes into detail why I changed and moved from…

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A new source for stem cells found in childrens baby teeth…

Potent Stem Cells Found in Baby TeethWhen his six-year-old daughter pulled out her baby tooth, Songtao Shi of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research in Bethesda, Md., washed it off to prepare it for the tooth fairy. Holding his daughter’s partial tooth, the stem cell researcher noticed living tissue inside and wondered whether…

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.Net? .Com? .Microsoft?

Interesting. I see Microsoft has partnered up with Melbourne IT to offer the option of doing a whois/registration lookup of failed URL’s. The only problem is they think $35 a year is a good price to register your domain name.

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The laws of buying and selling…

The name of the game is Blogshares and the general idea is the same as the stock market. Buy low, sell high. Buying a stock is fun. It’s great to watch your stock go up, and sad to watch it go down. In the end though you must remember one thing, you don’t win, or…

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