Firefox Issues Not Gone

With Firefox 1.0.4 there were some issues. Oh! were there some issues. Sudden freeze ups, slow browsing, LAG!!! I thought for a while there it was maybe my computer’s configuration or the configuration of Firefox and it’s plugins causing the issue but the more and more people I talked to, the end story was the…

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Australian man guilty of copyright infringement… for hyperlinking

In a particularly mind-numbing move Australian courts have decided that merely pointing people in the direction of materials being distributed (legally/illegally) on the internet is a violation of the copyright of said materials. ArsTechnica: Stephen Cooper ran a website called mp3s4free. Stephen thought that he was well within his legal rights because he was just…

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links for 2005-07-15

Nearly Pure CSS Drop-Down Menus CSS drop down menus (tags: css design developer) 2020 Hindsight A blog recreation of the Manhattan Project. (tags: blogging blog Manhattan Project nuclear WWII)

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links for 2005-07-14

What’s That Bug? Bugs bugs bugs! (tags: entomology bugs insects science) Cooking For Engineers – Pro Talk: The Ahwahnee Hotel Kitchen Eating at Yosemite in a 4 star establishment. (tags: yo) Illustrator How-To: Using Pathfinder Effects to Design Woodcut Logos with Doug Panton Adobe Illustrator’s Pathfinder effects give you control over the interaction of compound…

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Feed Me Seymour! Problems With iTunes 4.9

I’ve been hearing interesting feedback on iTunes 4.9 from all over the web most of which just involves people making a few changes to their preferences and they should be alright, on the other hand, my problem seems strange. My Mac isn’t automatically downloading podcasts from any of the feeds I subscribed to on the…

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links for 2005-07-13

Web Developer’s Handbook: developing web-sites, exploring own imagination ?? CSS, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc. (tags: CSS design developer graphics html javascript php web xhtml Usability)

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Sequoia monument fire plan violated federal law

Mercury News: A judge ruled Monday that a fire-control plan for Giant Sequoia National Monument violated federal law because the blueprint, which includes logging the preserve that is home to two-thirds of the world’s largest trees, did not undergo an environmental review. U.S. District Court Judge Charles Breyer ruled that the U.S. Forest Service failed…

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