Dave Shea has screenshots of the IE 7 beta Up on his site. Dave’s impression: “nothing much has been fixed”. Tags: browsers, CSS, design, internet, programming, internetexplorer7, microsoft, software, technology, web
...Read MoreDebt Collectors Run Wild
Modbee: “Embarrassing calls at work. Threats of jail and even violence. Improper withdrawals from bank accounts. An increasing number of consumers are complaining of abusive techniques from some companies that are part of a new breed of debt collectors. They are debt buyers, outfits that acquire unpaid bills from credit card firms and other credit…
...Read Morelinks for 2005-07-30
No More Tables CSS Layout Techniques (tags: CSS design html javascript layout programming reference web webdesign xhtml tutorial presentation)
...Read MoreDouglas Bowmans CSS Presentation: You NEED to see this.
Check out Douglas Bowman of Stopdesigns presentation on CSS. Even without narration there’s a lot of information. Tags: blogging, CSS, design, educational, internet, programming, software, technology, web
...Read MoreCamino Races Out of the Gate
Holy Crap Mac users! Camino 0.9a2 rocks! The new browser features a Firefox-like use of tabs while maintaining the Cocoa built UI that allows the user access to all the Macs native services and scripts. You can even change the default browser from Camino! That’s something you couldn’t do from Firefox. Camino just became my…
...Read Morelinks for 2005-07-29
ZipFizz . Healthy Energy in the pop-top tube. Just add water, Zipfizz is a self-carbonating energy drink that pumps you up. (tags: health nutrition) PhotoshopNews: Photoshop News and Information The Latest News and Information on Adobe Photoshop (tags: photoshop blog news adobe photography graphics design software weblog web)
...Read MoreJoey deVilla: “The “Vista” in “Windows Vista” as an Acronym”
OMG. This rocks. I nearly bust a gut. Joey deVilla’s: Someone on the #joiito IRC channel quipped that the “Vista” in Windows Vista (the next version of the Microsoft Windows) is an acronym for the top five Windows problems:VirusesInstabilitySpywareTrojansAdwareSpyware and adware are serious enough problems that according to Bob and Greg from Tucows’ shareware department,…
...Read MoreBetter Photography With DNG
My camera is almost always set on RAW format when I’m shooting. It’s what happens next that really makes the difference though. Rather than using Adobe’s connection software or I photo I use theAdobe DNG Converter to transfer my photos from my camera and save them in a specified folder. What’s so special about DNG…
...Read MoreA Visit to Adobe
Robert Scoble posted a link to the really cool tour inside Adobe’s headquarters and the Photoshop development teams offices. If you’ve ever wondered how theother half lived… Tags: design, photography, photoshop, digitalphotography, software, technology
...Read MoreZipfizz
One of my friends at work brought in a couple of tubes of ZipFizz, the self-carbonating, just-add-water energy drink. For No Sugar (uses sucralose), 5 calories, and 1 carb this stuff was pretty good. It contains ginseng, caffeine, taurine, several amino acids, and 41,667% of the USDA’s recommended dose of Vitamin B12. I kid you…
...Read More