There’s been a couple of great questions on Ask Yahoo! recently about grammar and language useage. Here’s the one from today. Ask Yahoo!: “What does [sic] mean?” Tags: grammar
...Read Morelinks for 2005-08-24
How to Configure VSFTPD.CONF A list of all the tags used to configure VSFTPD FTP server for Linux. (tags: linux ftp program howto)
...Read Morelinks for 2005-08-23
ClamXav Free antivirus for OSX (tags: Apple apps cool free Mac macosx OSX software Unix antivirus virus security)
...Read MoreResearcher Believes UFO’s Regularly Visit Earth
Yahoo! News: “Peter Davenport has received more phone calls than he cares to count that have an unusual opening: “Please believe me, I’m not crazy.” For Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, it’s part of the job. Davenport spoke Sunday at the Little Green Men Festival in Hopkinsville with tales of…
...Read Morelinks for 2005-08-22
Gizmo ??? A free phone for your computer A free cross platform voip client enabled to send/receive/record audio (tags: audio free internet Mac OSX software windows telephony sip voip)
...Read MoreBloggers = Valuable
Chew on this for a little while: “A blog by itself is nothing more than a website, it’s how bloggers interact with one another and the public that has value.” That means that anyone can drop content in a website and call it a blog. Spam bloggers do it all the time. It’s when the…
...Read MoreWhat’s that now?
Dane has strayed from the MovableType fold and is trying WordPress. He keeps aiming me telling me how much he likes it. I do too. It’s a good piece of work. Kudos to Matt and everyone that’s put their time into making WordPress great. Tags: blogging, wordpress
...Read MoreFlickr: The Clock is Ticking. Move to Yahoo or Else.
Well, it’s happened. Yohoo has given Flickr users one year to create or migrate to a Yahoo User ID or they’ll be locked out of Flickr. Flickr: “… we will be migrating all independent Flickr accounts to Yahoo!’s network in 2006. At that time, if you have not done so already, you will be asked…
...Read MoreSan Francisco to Get Free WiFi
Here’s a great development if you live in S.F. Unfortunately the government is working to change the rules so that municipalities cannot own nor give away internet access when a possible vendor might want to sell within that area. Mercury News: “San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom launched an initiative Tuesday to bring free or affordable…
...Read Morelinks for 2005-08-18
Ultimate Tag Warrior A WordPress plugin that allows complete control over tags while generating a “cloud”. (tags: plugin tools wordpress tagcloud tagging blogging)
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