Watching Little People, Big World reruns on TLC # Ive got a Fever. # So what if you took everyone's twitters and fed them into Fever? What would you get? A good idea of what's really important to people. # Twitpic needs RSS feeds. # Never going to bed if I don't stop adding…
...Read MoreOur Twitter Updates for 2009-08-24
@omgitsafox Nice find! in reply to omgitsafox # Just noticed Twitterific for the Mac doesn't have a retweet function. What's up with that? # @cherryblossom Dog ate it. If you don't have a dog blame the neighbors dog. If they don't have a dog it was the "dryer sock monster". in reply to cherryblossom #…
...Read MoreOur Twitter Updates for 2009-08-23
Good morning! Thanks for following @TheYosemiteBlog – news and information from – check it out. # Today's Yosemite Forecast: WET! Yes, rain. Rain and thunderstorms. Thunderstorms and rain. Highs in the low-mid 80s. Overnight around 55. # I hate it when I mean to post something to @TheYosemiteBlog and end up posting it here….
...Read MoreOur Twitter Updates for 2009-08-22
Getting ready to grab a bite and head to the photoshoot # I realize now that synching NetNewsWire to my much less organized Google Reader account was a big mistake. # Powered by Twitter Tools
...Read MoreOur Twitter Updates for 2009-08-21
@imperfect Just had to do the same thing. I'm designing so you can see which one lost. 🙁 in reply to imperfect # Was planning on getting the Blizzcon stream tomorrow but now I have an evening photoshoot that'll keep me out late. # OMG did you just EAT that? Why???? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?…
...Read MoreOur Twitter Updates for 2009-08-20
23 new followers on Twitter last night and everyone with the same picture of a naked girl on a bed. 😉 # iTunes just wigged out and kept telling me my security code on my credit card was wrong. Pretty sure it's right. Lets try again. # Which one are you? # Powered by…
...Read MoreOur Twitter Updates for 2009-08-19
Finally, multiple Advil and a good nap and my back doesn't hurt so much anymore. # Powered by Twitter Tools
...Read MoreOur Twitter Updates for 2009-08-18
Day 2 and my back is still jacked. Going to make for a fun day. # @Ambitious_wench went to bed at 6:30 🙁 in reply to Ambitious_wench # Powered by Twitter Tools
...Read MoreOur Twitter Updates for 2009-08-17
Just heard loud explosion. Now sirens. # Powered by Twitter Tools
...Read MoreOur Twitter Updates for 2009-08-16
@fatpadder Where you off to today? # Powered by Twitter Tools
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