Wow! You can definitely tell it's Monday. Easy things are difficult and difficult things are nearly impossible. # Problem solved. Wasn't that hard. # New Adium isn't the best Twitter client in the world but, it works. #
...Read MoreMy Tweets for 2010-10-30
Me early. Door locked. Bummer. # I should have known not to be early for work. #
...Read MoreMy Tweets for 2010-10-16
Watching a homeless guy walk back and forth. Back and forth. Wonder What he's waiting for? #
...Read MoreMy Tweets for 2010-09-29
@jarvie water #
...Read MoreMy Tweets for 2010-09-14
@jeffreytrust – It was going after the chocolate wasn't it? See, this is why one should not eat chocolate in bed. in reply to jeffreytrust #
...Read MoreCompromised
After spending a full day fixing sites, upgrading versions and changing passwords I woke up this morning to find another RSOD (Red Screen of Death) from Google on one of my websites and an email in my inbox warning me that my site had been found to be serving “malicious content”. MediaTemple, the host I’ve…
...Read MoreIt’s All in the Touch
I was never much of a fan of the trackpad that comes built into most laptops. I am, however, a huge fan of my Wacom pen tablet. The only problem is I’ve never been able to get over the hurdle and use the Wacom table for anything more than photo and graphic editing. All that…
...Read MoreFirst in a While
Over the last few days we’ve had the highest temperatures we’ve had all year. Couple that with a late almond harvest due to our unusually cool winter and you’ve got the “perfect storm” for the world’s crappiest air. Unfortunately I don’t think my current state of crapiness can be blamed on the air. I think…
...Read MoreUmmm…hello world?
Test? What test? THIS is a test? It doesn’t feel like a test. Well, OK. Maybe it is a test. I’m so confused. I guess this might be a test. If it is a test I should probably say something like, “hello world” so everyone knows it’s a test.
...Read MoreMy Tweets for 2010-08-20
Almost done with the "rush-rush" project then onto the one I had to shove aside to get this done. Busy again today but it's all good. # Anyone know of a PEKS application on the iPhone or iPad or interested in developing one for parents with autisitic children? #
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