Weird Dreams

I had a dream last night I went to the Apple Store in Palo Alto and saw Woz at the counter. I went over to the counter, introduced myself and shook his hand. He just stared at me. Next time I’ll ask him to sign my pocket protector.

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Tweeting About Twittering

A long, long time ago I joined Twitter. That was before all the celebrities and the mad rush by the general masses caused it to explode into a web phenomena. Back then it was more frequently down than up and the “We’ll be right back” message was an hourly occurrence. I’ve got to say Twitter…

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The Pill Makes Women Want to Inbreed

Ok now don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with being attracted to your brother/uncle/cousin as long as you live in a southern state where class is something that you stopped going to when you were 7 but researchers in the UK have found that The Pill may inhibit a womans ability to choose a…

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Flickr’s Not Dead Yet

Flickr needs video. No really. Yahoo! has been struggling under the weight of Flickr since they bought it trying to find different ways to monetize but the answer lies in video. Let’s start with a scenario and maybe you’ll get where I’m going with this. Thanksgiving. This year. It’s not yet time to dive into…

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The New Age of Spam

If you’re a blogger you may have noticed spammers have figured out a way around us blocking them by keyword, don’t use keywords. Most of the new spam looks like a real comment until you look at the person commentings link or the links in the body of the comment. Almost all the time it…

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Dogs Laugh Too

Next time you’re walking around in your underwear that panting coming from your dog may actually be him laughing at you. ABC News: Nancy Hill, director of Spokane County Animal Protection, admits she was skeptical at first that this noise would affect the other dogs. “I thought: Laughing dogs?” Hill said. “A sound that we’re…

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100 Ideas

Sometimes as creative people we need a little diversion to help inspire us. Keri Smith has found a great way by creating a list of things to do. Here’s the first 33: Keri Smith 1. Go for a walk. Draw or list things you find on the the sidewalk. 2. Write a letter to yourself…

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