Expedition Matterhorn

The Matterhorn in Disneyland

Sometimes I wonder if we’re the only ones who treat a trip to Disneyland as if it were an expedition. With a 5-6 hour drive from our house to the park we start about 4 weeks early by compiling a list of things we want to take: clothing, food for the trip, cameras, you know…the essentials.

Next we pull the bags from storage and let them air out.

At about 2 weeks we set up a table in the front room and start gathering things: magic wrist bands, lanyards, charging cables, etc.

At one week we start purchasing food and getting the food bags together. The final week we wash and pack clothes and everything we’re taking.

Last day we’re double checking and cleaning house so we come home to a clean house, basically staying busy because we’re all so excited to get on the road.

I must say, cleaning the house before you leave so you come home to a clean house is a must. Getting all the stuff together really makes a mess and after 5 hours driving home you really just want to walk in, drop everything and take a nap.