I debated long and hard about posting this photo. It didn’t catch me at my best but it caught me candidly and honestly. Fat. Sick. Nearly dead.
I’m putting up this photo as a reminder to myself how bad it can be and a warning to you to take care of your health.
I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t do drugs. This is what too much fast food will do to you; stuck in a hospital bed with an IV in your arm being pumped full of insulin.
This isn’t me today though.
Since this photo was taken (a scant week ago) I’ve changed my diet. Cut out the fast food. Cut out caffeine and sugary drinks. Restricted my carbs, started working out daily, and take meds to reduce my blood sugar. Already I’ve lost 11 lbs. I’m healthier, happier and on the road to recovery.
But let this be a reminder. Remember this photo next time you want fast food. It’s a one way street to a hospital bed.