Here’s an article I found (age unknown) that has some pretty interesting insight into an adults IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and their employability.
Definition of IQ: “Generally, one’s mental age stops rising rapidly when one reaches the latter teens–e. g., 16. Consequently, on some IQ tests, ’16’ was taken as the chronological-age divisor in an IQ calculation for adults. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is calibrated for all ages up to 70, with chronological-age divisors appropriate to every age 70 or below.
The average IQ is, by definition, 100. To get an idea what this means, someone with an IQ of 80 or below is considered to be marginally able to cope with the adult world. People with IQ’s of 80 or below typically work as unskilled laborers such as lawn maintenance and trash pickup. They generally need help from friends or family to manage life’s complications. About 10% of the population has an IQ of 80 or below.
People with IQ’s of 80-90 are a little on the slow side but may be found in fast-food restaurants, day-care centers, etc. They may also be found in unskilled jobs. About 16% of the population has IQ’s in this range.
People with IQ’s of 90-110 generally occupy semi-skilled positions, including typists, receptionists, assembly line workers, and checkout clerks. They are able to keep up with the world, and comprise about 46% of the public.
People with IQ’s in the 110 to 120 range fill the skilled trades and include some tool and die makers, teachers, and Ph. D.’s among their ranks. They also make up 16% of the population.
People with IQ’s of 120 and above tend to staff the professions as doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers, and college professors. They fall in the upper 10% of the population.
The average IQ of all college professors is 130, which lies within the upper 3% of the general public.”
Makes you want to go out and take the test doesn’t it? I know where I land