Dogs Laugh Too

Next time you’re walking around in your underwear that panting coming from your dog may actually be him laughing at you. ABC News: Nancy Hill, director of Spokane County Animal Protection, admits she was skeptical at first that this noise would affect the other dogs. “I thought: Laughing dogs?” Hill said. “A sound that we’re…

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links for 2005-12-03 Using JUnit With Eclipse IDE A great how to on using Junit and Eclipse (tags: junit eclipse howto java library programming tools tutorial testing java.junit) Dojo A toolkit (JS library) for adding AJAX calls to any web application. (tags: ajax web2.0 javascript library programming web opensource framework software technology tools webdesign webdev)

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Make Your Own Lightbulb

Popular Sciences How2.0 column has a great article this week on how to create a light bulb in your own garage. Well, if you have some tungesten wire, helium, and an old arc welder lying about that is. Popular Science: I used helium because it’s easily available and lighter than air, allowing me to fill…

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links for 2005-12-02

Neato : Ultimate Tag Warrior: Start Here A great tagging pluging for Wordress users. (tags: wordpress tags tagging blogging blogs ideas) Prototype JavaScript Framework: Class-style OO, Ajax, and more A JavaScript framework for implementing Ajax calls. (tags: ajax design javascript library programming tools web2.0 webdev web framework) 24 ways: Easy Ajax with Prototype An easy…

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Don’t Become A Victim This Christmas

The holiday season is here and with it an increased risk of identity theft. Capital One is offering some great tips on how you can protect you and your family from becoming the victims of identity theft. Forbes: 1. Save Your Receipts. Tuck sales receipts in your pocket rather than the shopping bags. This will…

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Coffee CAN Make You Smarter, In The Short Term

It appears some Austrian researchers have discovered that moderate amounts of caffeine can improve your short term memory. Forbes: Those morning cups of java might sharpen your memory so you can better tackle the tasks of the day, a new Austrian study suggests. Scientists at the Innsbruck Medical University discovered that 100 milligrams of caffeine,…

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Cybersquatter Hijacks Podcast and Demands Ransom

In a case reminiscent of the early days of the web, cybersquatting has reared it’s ugly head again. This time a podcaster has fallen victim to having her RSS feed hijacked. Podcast Hijacked, Held for Ransom The manner in which the purported hijacking occurred exemplifies the fact that RSS feeds are far more vulnerable to…

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Gmail Now Offers Virus Scanning

In a step sure to gain user trust, Google is now implementing virus scanning of it’s popular Gmail web email service. Google Gmail: Each time you send and receive attachments, Gmail automatically scans them for viruses. If a virus is found in an attachment you’ve received, our system will attempt to remove it, or clean…

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