Keith Robinson at Asterisk published a list of things he’s learned from blogging. Very insightful. Give it a read.
- The world is both bigger and smaller than I???d ever imagined.
- There is great power in words.
- Blogging can very easily be considered work. Lots of it.
- 24 hours in a day isn???t enough.
- Making a mistake and being called on it can be one the best learning experiences you can have.
- You really can meet cool people online. And many of them are not so bad in person either!
- It???s easy to mix up ???it???s??? and ???its???. Same goes for ???your??? and ???you???re???. Oh and ???too??? and ???to???.
- Don???t trust spellcheck.
- Blogs are great for marketing and PR if done the right way.
- I???ve got friends in low places.
- The world is full of passionate people.
- Storytelling is one of the best ways to convey a message.
- People love gadgets. And porn.
- Defensiveness makes you look bad.
- People I???ve never met care about me, and I care about people I???ve never met.
- Links are a new form of currency.
- Blogging is a great way to express yourself.
- Blogging is a great way to manage knowledge and lessons learned.
- Geek is the new pink.
- Smaller is better.
- Writing is hard!
- Most people are more positive than negative.
- Some people actually can make a living blogging. Imagine that.
- A well-placed f-bomb can go along way.
- Mainstream media is full of shit.
- Everyone has a bad day.
- Crankiness comes in waves and affects many at once.
- Popular doesn???t always mean good.
- The best way to become better at something is to keep doing it.
- Comments make great content.
- Conversations are a great way to communicate.
- You???ve got to love what you do to do it really well.
- People actually do read Web content.
- Making an ass out of yourself will get you lots of attention.
- Censorship is lame.
- Perfect is the enemy of the good.
- Clever writing can be frustrating.
- Sub-headers are priceless. As are lists.
- The future is text-based.
- Content management is a process, not a technology.
- If you step away from it, the blogosphere will still be there when you get back.
- Asking a question is a great way to get a response. (Obvious I know??)