
One of my friends at work brought in a couple of tubes of ZipFizz, the self-carbonating, just-add-water energy drink. For No Sugar (uses sucralose), 5 calories, and 1 carb this stuff was pretty good. It contains ginseng, caffeine, taurine, several amino acids, and 41,667% of the USDA’s recommended dose of Vitamin B12. I kid you…

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Learning Digital Photography

I come from the old school. I learned how to shoot using film then, like everything, I was an early adopter of the digital format. As admin of a couple of different groups on Flickr I see a lot of photos that by following some simple photographic principles that have been around for years will…

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Building A New Box

ArsTechnica has a great article on building a budget gaming box and some great choices in the way of hardware. If you’re into gaming and you’ve been thinking about upgrading your system give it a look. It’s got some interesting ideas. Tags: gaming

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