National Football Leauge Shutting Down Podcast!

Geek News Central: Seems the National Football League does not like anyone talking football except for their party line. Check out this link I went to the site. Seem this is the first real case of trouble over copyrighted material experienced by the podosphere. Tags: iPod, news, podcast, podcasting, NFL

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Return to Flight

3 days and counting until the space shuttle Discovery will take to the skies again. The launch is set to take place at 3:51 pm Florida time and will be streamed live from the NASA homepage. Tags: NASA, puppy

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The Zen of CSS Design

I picked up a copy of Dave Shea and Molly Holzschlag’s book“The Zen of CSS Design. Very good. If you’re a web designer or just someone who likes to dabble this is a book you can’t afford to miss. It steps into different CSS designs from the CSS Zen Garden and breaks down what the…

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Google and the Big Plan

Here’s an idea how Google can become the world leader in search and make some capital. Pick a tourist destination, let’s say, San Francisco. Now imagine a a round booth with 4 touch screen terminals. On top is the Google logo emblazoned so everyone within a mile knows what it is. (we’re working on brand…

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links for 2005-07-10

California National Park Maps, Rock Climbing Maps, Kayak Maps Chris Chubb Cartography maps of the national parks. (tags: Yosemite Hiking Backpacking RockClimbing Outdoors Map)

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