Adobe tries to Edge into the HTML5 editor market

Is HTML5 and CSS3 really going to kill Flash? No one knows for sure but Adobe isn’t taking any chances and is working on an HTML5 motion graphics editor similar to Tumult’s Hype editor. Enter Adobe Edge.

Still in beta release, Edge features a timeline based UI similar more to After Effects than Flash. Currently there’s no support for adding external images or graphics and all graphics are created from a very limited panel and their properties edited in the timeline. It’s kludgy but hey, it’s a beta.

If you’ve an Adobe Labs account you can download Edge and check it out for yourself. If you’re looking for something now though, take a look at Tumult’s Hype (mac only). It’s bound to be less expensive than any Adobe app and it works now.Still in beta release, Edge features a timeline based UI similar more to After Effects than Flash. Currently there’s no support for adding external images or graphics and all graphics are created from a very limited panel and their properties edited in the timeline. It’s kludgy but hey, it’s a beta.

If you’ve an Adobe Labs account you can download Edge and check it out for yourself. If you’re looking for something now though, take a look at Tumult’s Hype (mac only). It’s bound to be less expensive than any Adobe app and it works now.