Two Programs I’d Love to See on the iPad

There are 2 programs for Mac I’d love to see on the iPad.

The first is MarsEdit, the blog editor I’ve used for years on all my blogs and recommend to everyone getting into blogging. It’s a great app and the application for the Mac is already similar in layout to the recommended layout for iPad applications.

You can get MarsEdit by Red Sweater Software for $29.95 by visiting the store.

The second is Coda. Coda is an HTML/CSS editor with a built in FTP program. It’s by far the easiest, most robust coding application I’ve used on the Mac. And since designing and coding web pages is my business I try everyone I come across.

Coda is available from $99. While you’re there I highly recommend getting Transmit 4, best FTP client for the Mac for only $34.