Mozilla Co.: Welcome to the real world.

So Mozilla Foundation has incorporated. This means Firefox can be licensed and sold to anyone Mozilla (the company) chooses for a nice profit. This profit will then be distributed among the development team in the form stocks and bonuses. What will all those devoted people who worked hard in their spare time to build the…

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Wishing the Best

Nick Bradbury: “An MRI discovered that I have an acoustic neuroma, which is a benign tumor that can be removed by surgery. At this stage it’s relatively small, but left unchecked it could grow to the point that it presses against my brainsteam – a life-threatening situation.” Best wishes, Nick. We’re all rooting for ya’….

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links for 2005-08-04

DJ Earworm Music Some of the best mashups on the net. (tags: download free mp3 mashups music audio) Friends of Yosemite Search and Rescue The home of the Yosemite Search and Rescue. (tags: yosemite national park rescue search help wilderness outdoors)

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Full Frontal Female

Possibly one of the funniest thing I’ve ever seen anyone write: Molly: “Geez, this is starting to look like a thread over at Robert Scoble???s place.” Nice job. 😉 Tags: blogs

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