A war has many fronts…

War hacking continues. Now the Iraqi government’s official website, http://www.uruklink.net is off the air, too. It was redirected to http://www.itshappening.com/index_three.html for a while,… [Richard Bennett’s Omphalos]

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Our families in harms way…

How well did you sleep last night?. From a relative in Iraq, some (newswire) pictures of how the troops are catching a few winks here and there…. [Richard Bennett’s Omphalos] Great pictures. It’s a little scary how in one shot it doesn’t look like they’re in foxholes but graves. Oh, there’s a bottle of pee…

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Can you say

Say you work for a teevee news outfit — ABC’s 20/20, for example — and you’ve got a digital camera and you’re taking some tourist shots around Camp Patriot. And then, for some reason, you decide to take a few shots of your dick, because … well, who knows? And then say you lose your…

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I got it!…

Yvan Eht Nioj. From an episode of the Simpsons: Bart and his friends are turned into a boy band, complete with a video that repeats the phrase “Yvan eht nioj” over and over in the chorus. When Lisa asks what it means, Homer replies that it doesn’t mean anything. “It’s nonsensical, like ‘ramma lamma ding…

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Apartment for sale!…

Got about 2,000,000 smackeroonies ya’ wanna blow? A tried and true Trekkie? A daily WWDN reader? Well the Star Trek apartment, famous in BBS boards everywhere, is up for sale on eBay. Check it.

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Too cool for mainstream…

Brad Sucks. >>  Letting people download, listen to, and share one’s music just might be the key to becoming a working musician in “the post-Napster universe.”  [Coolstop Daily Pick 4/3/03 via scottandrew.com] [jenett.radio] I dig this guys music. I’ve been turning my friends on to it and they seem to really like it too. Tres cool…

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