In touch with the community….

In this “I Want Media” interview with Jeff Jarvis, Mr. BuzzMo’cheen says:

If I were Dr. Pepper, I would have given out samples of the product to bloggers and see what they said. Even if they hated it, some would write about it. Or I’d advertise on blogs — there can be no cheaper CPM anywhere in media. This works for marketers and also for PR people: Bloggers are becoming influencers. Note how they are getting quoted in newspapers now. So you should deal with a blogger just as you deal with any other media person.

And guess what? Another company is doing just that, and I got the samples.

The company is Energy Technology Laboratories, a Modesto firm that makes smart conservation stuff for your house (or office or warehouse or mall or whatever). One of the marketing guys is Phil Baird, who I know from his (now dormant) site/blog.[Ken Layne]

It’s nice to see a local company is in touch with the blogging community…Energy Technology Laboratories….wait! that’s where I work!

Being webloggers ourselves, “l:dane” and I had the opportunity to give back to the community. We thought it would be cool to send out some of our product to people in the community and see what they think about it. Normally people buy our product and we never hear from them, this way, we get the critical feedback we need.

One of the cooler products we work with, the Oxygenics? SkinCare Shower, is a low flow shower head that accelerates the water so that you still get a good shower. It’s pretty cool and it actually works. I have one at home and love it. I’ll be getting one for my mom in the next few weeks. She’s got super hard water. The aerator in her kitchen faucet just clogged. Our showerheads aren’t supposed to clog because of the Dupont stuff they’re made with. This should be a real test.